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An individual layer  can face some difficulties due to high competition online, some time negative reviews and their busy schedule, still they want to rank high on Google.  Are you a legal practitioner who is dreaming to get top Google ranking law firm for their legal terms ? Then local SEO for lawyers can be a faster solution than webpage SEO.

The reason of this is if your Google business profile is fully working and verified, you can appear in your local search. This ranking is always faster than lawyer’s web page because locally a lawyer has to face low competition. in this his business listing with Google can help.

In this article we are trying to help lawyers for educational purpose, however we are a professional local SEO company, incase if you lack expertise or need some professional local SEO service help, we can help. This can be motivational article for lawyers, attorneys & other legal practitioners.

Table of Contents

What Is Local SEO For Lawyers?

Local SEO, for lawyers, means lawyer’s local promotion on search engines with SEO. In this there is a free tool of Google can help. All you need to do is to make a Google business listing and verify yourself as owner of that listing. Once verification completes people can see your business around them in their local area.

Additionally, there are players other than Google business profile. In this list Bing Places, and Apple Business Connect are important. These platforms are free to list your business.

Local SEO needs expertise, you need to know how to do these listings perfectly. As we already said, lawyers are busy people & if they don’t want to to it themselves they can see local SEO packages . However doing this yourself can be beneficial at many stages.

Why Lawyer or Attorneys should do local SEO?

To enable your customers so that they can find you on Internet search when they need.

For example, you are a lawyer, your customers might want to visit you, but if you are not visible, then your customers won’t be able to contact you.

What is the great benefit of Google business profile ?

After verification you become trustworthy. Google is more likely to give your business listing more impressions if your business is verified, the reason is simple – Google want to give more opportunities to the businesses those are trustworthy.

Local SEO can show original reviews of your clients, your business listing audience traffic read it before contacting your law business.

Are local Keywords important?

Local SEO is highly dependent of intend of searcher for local legal services. Here the intend becomes so clear with the word local.

A local keyword example : Corporate lawyer near me. The words “near me” means – The search intend is finding lawyers nearby (which means in local area).

Second example, Some times it can be used with your city name or neighborhood. for example “Law firm in New York”, Here you can see city as local area.

Your visibility depends on competition in your local area, if you are lucky enough then you can find less competition but sometime competition can be higher, which depend on number of lawyers in that locality where your audience is searching. How local SEO looks on google search results, image shows listings and local intend keyword (near me)

Why all lawyers need local SEO?

New lawyers what to increase their popularity, here in terms of search engines this is called visibility. Experienced lawyers are confidant, but they also want increase their visibility. As a solution local SEO can be faster, can be reliable and can give branding in local searches. Both types of lawyers need it.

Let’s take an example, a corporate firm wants legal advise, where they can find a lawyer, the answer is – Google, & other search engines which includes Bing search. The corporate firm sees law firms listings as an answer of their search query, now they can contact anyone of them.

Why experienced lawyers need local SEO ?

  • An experienced lawyer needs local SEO Because : Online competition with new generation lawyers –

New generation lawyers are shifting towards online platforms instead of word-of-mouth publicity. Due to online competition, it is hard for experienced lawyers to stabilize their growth rate as it was previous time when they were not dependent of Internet.

  • They need local SEO because this way they can showcase their experience and build their credibility.

They can take an edge in competition with new lawyers, because they have experience and they can showcase it more than any new lawyer.

  • Their growth chances become higher with Local SEO : if lawyers ask reviews from their old clients

If they ask their old customers for reviews. They immediately get original reviews from their years old clients. Once they get such reviews they can increase their credibility on – Google business profile, Bing places & Apple business connect.

  • Cost Effectiveness of local SEO :

As compare to traditional methods, local SEO can help you to get better returns and can establish your name in your locality.

  • Significant  client  growth :

Experienced attorneys can grow clients through local SEO. This can increase their- Reputation, Credibility, Client-base, Revenue, & Branding.

For New Lawyers : Who are trying to establish their law firms

  • Local SEO helps in new business establishment :

  1. New lawyers can establish their  identity through local SEO . Local SEO is a perfect platform for new lawyers : To show their expertise.
  2. New businesses has low marketing funds, so new law firms can expect local business from their local listings on – Google business profile, Apple business connect & Bing places.
  • New lawyer can establish their credibility :

These days a huge traffic is on internet, in this traffic there can be a lot of people who need legal advise. This traffic want to know attorneys who are nearby, & wan to see their reviews on their business profiles.

Google provide this customer review data under Google business listing, So before customers can hire you as their legal advisors, they can check these reviews.

This is how local SEO establish credibility of new lawyers when people search for your services and find you on Google business profile, Apple business connect & Bing places.

Through Local SEO You can aware your clients about your new law firm –

  • Name of your new legal business
  • Name of lead attorney
  • Years of experience
  • Practice areas
  • Locations served
  • Awards and recognition

Under local SEO what options law firms/lawyers have ? : Apple connect, &  Bing places for local listings.

These are other local business listing players except Google.  Attorneys, lawyers can do local SEO on Apple & Bing. These search engines have their own traffic and audience. A credible lawyer who is on Google should not be invisible from Bing or apple (any or both).

Why you should try all of them for your local law business?

First and the main point is all of them are free, all you need to verify your listings. They all have simple non technical process, all you need to read the instructions and follow them.

Local SEO on Bing search engine

On bing local SEO results looks like this when people search lawyers

On Bing search engine local SEO results looks like this when people search lawyers. So this is another important platform where you can do Local SEO.

Official link : Bing places

This is where you can learn how to setup your business listing on Bing, ( Resource )

Apple has it’s own audience. They are well branded in cellphone industry. People who are using Apple phones can find your legal business easily.
Official Link : to Apple business connect 

If you want to know how to claim your Apple business connect listing then this can be a source where you can learn the complete process of claiming & verifying your listing.

Local listing on Apple connect

On Apple connect local SEO results looks like this when people search lawyers. So this is another important platform where you can do Local SEO

How Lawyers can do local SEO Set Up at their Google Business Profile (GBP) listing : To Improve credibility, company information, customers and online visibility

Local SEO for lawyers, law firms & attorneys. Here is how they can do this for free in 5-10 min. It need to be done with your own gmail only.

With local SEO law firms can get benifit to reach clients when they search you in local area. Google business profile listing can build following 4 business assets for them :

  1. Credibility
  2. Company information
  3. Customers
  4. Online visibility

Step 1- Search Google business profile on Google

Step 1 google business profile setup

Step 2- Sign in to Google business profile

Step 3- Add Business

Step 4- Add business name & category to Google business profile from here

Step 5, 6, 7, 8 are about filling the form and giving the authentic information to Google,

Every time you click next button, it asks you details, all you need to fill the form until you see FINISH BUTTON.

Once you click finish button, your configuration completes, but verification is still pending from Google side.

After setup of Google business profile : Your verification is pending from Google’s side

So, how to verify your Google business profile after setup, here is the process :-

How Long Does Google Business Profile Verification Take?

The time it takes to verify your Google Business Profile depends on where you live. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

Google business profile Verification Methods

  • Instant Verification: You might be able to verify your business instantly through a phone call or SMS.
  • Postcard Verification: Google sends a postcard to your business address with a verification code. This usually takes about 12 days to arrive. Once you receive it, you’ll need to log in to your Google Business Profile and enter the code.
  • Video Verification: In some countries, like India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, you might be asked to verify your business through a video. You’ll need to record a short video showing your business location, surroundings, and proof of ownership.

Video Verification Details

If you’re required to do a video verification:

  • Open your Google Business Profile and click on the verification button.
  • You’ll be prompted to record a video.
  • The video should show your business’s surroundings, including nearby landmarks.
  • Clearly display the names of the locations in the video.
  • Show your business documents and your workspace.

Remember, the specific verification process can vary based on your location.

Would you like to know more about the benefits of a verified Google Business Profile or how to optimize it for local SEO?