Portfolio Highlight: Klick Electricals
Client: Klick Electricals Website: klickelectricals.com
Nature of business : Manufacturing
Client’s Goal : Website designing for catalog purpose & company’s online presence
Project Overview: Klick Electricals, a leading name in manufacturing of electrical wires & MCB. We worked revamping their online presence. Our mission was to design a user-friendly website that showcases their extensive product range and brand values.
What We Did:
Website design: Created a clean and modern design to improve user experience and navigation.
Product Showcases: Developed detailed product pages with high-quality images and comprehensive descriptions.
Responsive Design: Ensured the website is fully responsive, offering seamless browsing across all devices.
Content Management System: Integrated a user-friendly CMS – WordPress, for easy content updates and management.
Increased online traffic and user engagement.
Client of Klick Electricals can experience their online presence and see their catalog
Enhanced customer experience and satisfaction.